Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Obesity in Animals and Infants, not just an American thing anymore

Tonight we ran across an article talking about the obesity epidemic we face as a society, and the role that our ecological system plays in this problem. Here was my husband's thoughts that I found quite interesting! Which I feel about sums it up, and I quote;

"I don't think any one thing is the actual cause of why people and
animals are getting sick "fatter". I think numerous contributing
factors are what is causing the problems. For example

1. Pollution is a major problem that is destroying our ecosystem. The
same ecosystem that provides a closed loop cycle in the production of
our air, water, food, environment. Issues created in a closed loop
system turn into compounding issues in all parts of it.

2. Genetically modified seeds. This has been shown numerous times that
it destroys the environment as well as the animals "humans included"
internal organs.

3. Current farming methods have removed a vast majority of the
nutrients in the soil. It can take up to 25 years using the
Hugelkultur Raised Beds method to increase the vitality of soil to
where it needs to be. Newer farming methods such as permaculture,
aquaponics, landraces, food forests, etc. can provide over 1 million
pounds of food from just 3 acres and can help heal a natural closed
loop system like our ecosystem.

4. A move away from natural foods. As we have seen the cost for a
family to get natural foods such as grass feed meats, birds "chicken,
turkey" that are free range and only eat bugs is cost prohibitive for
most people. So the move to food for both people and animals that are
not made by nature in the real world is having dire consequences
beyond what most people can fathom.

5. Fitness. The most financially important phrase in fitness and
health is "to keep them confused".  I see people buying into
mis-information that is un-healthy and counter productive to the way
our muscle, skeletal, and internal systems actually need. Also a move
to people working in doors at desks is not natural and bad for you as
we have seen in recent studies.

6. Health system. Our current system frequently causes more harm than
good and renders many people in effect lifelong patients.

7. Life improvements. When I look at some improvements that we as a
society has created in the past 100 years it looks like some key
inventions actually do more harm then good. Nike running shoes for
example. Staying up late and getting little sleep due to technology.

8. Stress. Humans have always had to live with stress, however in our
natural environment those stresses were only present a few times a
week. We were more in tune with our surroundings and had more control
of our lives. Our current society has created a almost endless and
constant supply of stress of which most of it is actually false.
Stress has been shown to contribute to weight gain. I wonder if the
animals that were living in cages experience the same type of constant

Here is the link to the article. 

1 comment:

  1. Great summary there, Tracey. You covered most all the major, common contributing factors. I would like to emphasize the role adequate sleep provides in the fight against excess caloric consumption though. You briefly touched on this in number seven but I feel it might need its own talking point.

    Reason being is that study after study illustrate that sleep deficiencies directly contribute to overeating. The hormonal cascade caused by sleep deficiencies increase both the desire for food as well as the body's metabolic processes that control how energy is used. In our society, most people I talk to are severely in sleep debt.


    p.s. I just had one of your sweet potato cookies and think I died and went to heaven :)


Alltop. We're kind of a big deal.